Wasabi Facts: How sushi and wasabi can prolong your life
Let’s face it, Australians love their sushi, but did you know that sushi and wasabi can be highly beneficial to your health as well? If you needed another excuse to have more sushi this week, here are some facts about the health benefits of Sushi and Wasabi.
1. Wasabi prevents food poisoning
Sushi and wasabi go hand in hand, but did you know the spicy green paste has health benefits of its own? It apparently suppresses bacteria that can cause food poisoning! Studies show that wasabi provides a powerful punch when it comes to protection against some bacteria. One study conducted at Chiba University’s 1 Laboratory of Plant Cell Technology in Japan notes that using it on potatoes made them more disease resistant. Its immunity characteristics also help ward off nausea and bacteria on food, hence how it can prevent food poisoning and other related illnesses. So, if you enjoy the burning sensation of our favourite condiment, just know it’s also a great option for natural disease management!
2. Sushi can contribute to cardiovascular and brain health as well as hair and skin conditioning.
Since sushi is made up primarily of fish and seafood, it’s a high-quality protein. There’s no question that fish found in most sushi rolls is an excellent source of lean protein, and that fatty fish like salmon is good brain food thanks to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are natural anti-inflammatory compounds that contribute to cardiovascular and are also linked to better memory function!
3. Sushi is a weight watcher
If you are watching weight and wish to skip food bathed in oil and butter when dining out, sushi can be your go-to option. Sushi is a lean food you can have for dinner or lunch. It is packed with proteins and essential nutrients and covers a lot of food groups. However, it all depends on the choices you make. If you’re eating sushi for its calorie benefits, stay away from the fried and creamy dishes.
4. Seaweed can boost metabolism
Seaweed may add great flavour and hold the ingredients to make a more aesthetic shape to sushi, but I can do more than just that. Seaweed contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and iodine that work together to have strong antioxidant effects, which makes nori acts like a great metabolism booster. Although you don’t find seaweed in all types of sushi, most of the popular ones like maki roll, and some nigiri have nori to give that little health boost.
5. Ginger fights your wrinkles
Apart from giving your sushi plate a delicious kick, ginger has a truck load of
antioxidants that helps prevent damage to the collagen in your skin and reduces inflammation. It’s been scientifically proven that ginger reduces inflammation, so having a dose of it every day will help your skin stay glowing and gorgeous!
Whilst we believe at Wasabi Warriors believe in eating good, do good, and feel good. We also maintain Sushi is part of a healthy balanced diet and can provide many health benefits. So have a look at our range of fresh and tasty products and taste the difference today!!